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Training grassroots community advocates

Transportation justice means all communities have access to a safe, reliable, affordable, and equitable transportation system that connects them to the places, people, and resources they need to thrive.

Move the Community is an advocacy mentorship program that will train rising leaders on the structure and function of governments (i.e., roles of staff and elected officials) and the technical details of safe and equitable transportation infrastructure, engage them in on-the-ground shadowing experiences to see how decisions are made, and provide guidance on how to strategically design and implement an advocacy campaign. As a capstone experience, Local Motion staff will mentor the leaders on a project of their own design related to a walking, biking, or transit challenge in their community.

Our goal is to create community amongst those working toward transportation justice, and amplify these voices by providing resources to independently advocate with your communities.

Over 24 months, 5 participants will receive over 50 hours of training and support in both group settings and one-on-one discussions to develop the capacities necessary for creating a more just and representative mobility field.


Pat Kelley

“I realize more and more that what everyone talks about in our neighborhood is traffic. And I know I live where I do because our neighborhood is so incredibly walkable and bicycle friendly. That is worth not only preserving but celebrating. So Local Motion is inspiring me to try addressing traffic issues again.”

Photo of Pat Kelley
Photo of Pat Kelley

Syreta Toson

“I was excited to learn how to not only advocate for community but also for my own personal mission and values that reflect some broader issues. The ability to navigate the local government, and how to affect change on the legislative level, is a very important skillset that I am learning more about in each session I have attended.”

Photo of Syreta Toson
Photo of Syreta Toson

Sara Jimenez

“Like many in Columbia, I enjoy being active and spending time outside in nature, including biking and walking with my family of six. I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to make connections with and learn from advocates who care about making it safer and more accessible for children and families to walk and bike throughout our city.”

Photo of Sara Jimenez
Photo of Sara Jimenez

McKenzie Ortiz

“I applied to be a part of Move the Community because I personally have been impacted by the lack of accessible public transportation or walkability in the cities that I have lived in, including Columbia. I want to make connections with the people who truly care about the people of Columbia and learn how I can make an impact on our community.”

Photo of McKenzie Ortiz
Photo of McKenzie Ortiz

Matt Wright

“Everything we do is touched on by transportation, and we've prioritized personal vehicles and streets built only for cars, harming the people who already have the least resources. In this program, I hope to learn how to better advocate for...projects that get people out of their cars and into their communities!”

Photo of Matt Wright
Photo of Matt Wright


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