Move through the City with the Mayor
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024
The Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Health wants to invite you to move through the city with Mayor Buffaloe on the inaugural Mayor’s Mile! Join us on Sunday, May 19, at Flat Branch Park to move down the trail for a ½ mile and come right back. It’s a great opportunity to meet the Council, chat with the mayor, explore our city trail, and get some movement in your day!
Registration will start at 12:30 pm or you can register early with the button below. In place of an entry fee, we ask that you make a donation of your choice to this year’s charity, Children's Grove, chosen by Mayor Buffaloe. We start down the trail at 1:00 pm!
As a bonus, the first 100 people to join us will get a free pair of Mayor’s Council sunglasses!