"I think that transportation equity would look best through the bus."
"Job Point offers transportation, if it’s not Job Point it’s usually my dad, or sometimes friends. That’s mainly how I get around. I live on Country Hill off of Scott Blvd. I used to be able to take the bus because the bus used to come to the end of my street, but they changed the bus routes so they don’t go there no more. It just goes up to the Park De Ville Walmart, and that’s it. That’s like a mile away from where I live.
I wish that I really had easy access to the bus because I think that that is the most simplest way to do it. I mean there are other ways to do it but I think that the bus would get rid of a vast majority of the problems because it's not only helping me, but it’s helping a bunch of other people. Because when the bus was coming through there it’s not like I was the only one at the bus stop. There were other people there. People trying to get to their jobs and stuff like that, but now that it’s gone it’s kind of like limited everyone in that area’s transportation. And there’s a lot of places that don't have sidewalks but should have sidewalks. There’s a sidewalk that goes from my street all the way to Simmons Bank and then it just stops (off Scott Blvd). If there was a sidewalk that went from the Petro Mart all the way to Hyvee (Scott to Broadway) then that would be perfect. Because then there’s a crosswalk right there and you’d be walking on a sidewalk rather than the shoulder. It just doesn’t make any sense why there isn’t a sidewalk.

I think that transportation equity would look best through the bus, more open and more routes and expanding on the current routes. Nobody wants to walk 2 to 3 miles to get to the nearest bus stop everyday, so I think bigger routes and expanding on the routes will help."
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