"I stopped using the bus because you have to get on two or three different buses just to get to where you’re trying to get to go."
"Currently I get around Columbia driving. I used to use public transportation a lot when I was younger. I really used the city bus quite a bit.
The bus routes should be more where people need them. I feel like the bus routes are kind of messed up here. I stopped using the bus because you have to get on two or three different buses just to get to where you’re trying to get to go. I live on the North side but I used to live on the south side, and the bus routes on the south ain’t good. The only route on the north side is the orange route. I think that the bus routes are the best way Columbia could improve their transportation. Like I know that it needs to go up by Bethany over there off Scott Blvd, there needs to be a route over there.
I mean I don’t know, I haven’t rode the city bus in a while but I have nothing against it."

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