We Move App

Share the location of a walking, biking, or transit issue with our mobile app

We Move is a phone app that allows you to share the location of a problem in your walking, biking,
or transit network.

  • See a buckle in the sidewalk? Drop a pin.
  • No wheelchair-accessible ramp? Drop a pin.
  • Bike lane just ends mysteriously? Drop a pin.

These problems are a big problem.

Cities don’t track this type of street-level data. And when cities don’t have data, nothing changes. Many walking, biking, or transit needs are ignored or addressed piecemeal, rather than systematically through policy change.

You’re the problem-solver.

We Move gathers crowdsourced information from people like you and creates a map of problem locations all over the city. Having a wider set of data shows patterns, and creates a much stronger case for city commissions, advocates, and neighbors to push for policy and infrastructure changes to improve walking, biking, and transit.

Emergency situation? Call the authorities.

We Move is an app for collecting long-term trends in walking, biking, and transit problems. The data goes into our database, and isn’t reported directly to any city government. If you see a dangerous street problem that needs to be addressed immediately, call your local authorities.

Contact Us

For more information, contact Rikki Ascani at Rikki@LoMoCoMo.org


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Local Motion does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, age, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or disability. 

For civil rights inquiries, contact the Local Motion CEO.
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